NEWS FLASH: Volt owners immensely satisfied…(duh!)

#1... (again)For the second year in a row, the Chevy Volt sits atop Consumer Report’s owner’s satisfaction survey.

“The Volt has developed a cultish following,” wrote Automotive News. “Hundreds of online forums have popped up with posts from Volt owners boasting of traveling thousands of miles between fill ups or squeezing out more than 40 miles on one electric charge.” (For the record, I don’t think I’ve gotten less than 40 miles from a charge yet. No ‘squeezing‘ required.)

It’s odd that we put the “cult” label on people who appreciate a quality product. I’ve heard “cult” used to describe Apple customers, fans of TV shows like Star Trek or Firefly, or fans of movies, like Fandango, The Rocky Horror Picture Show or The Big Lebowski.

We’re not a cult, we’re just consumers who, after years of products letting us down, have come across a product that is as good (or better) than we had hoped possible, when we purchased it.

My friends who use Windows-based PCs, don’t understand my love for my iMac, iPad, iPhone, etc. They’ll tell me the same processors are available in PCs at a lower price. What they fail to realize is that I love the operating system and quality of build of my Apple products. It’s not about the hardware alone. It’s about what you can do with it that matters. My Apple products make doing things (like making a website) a breeze!

I always hear the Volt compared to the Chevy Cruze, because they’re based on the same platform. In real-world comparisons, most pundits select the traditionally powered Cruze. I beg to differ. The Consumer Report survey shows I am not alone. One of the reasons the pundits select the Cruze is the purchase price. My recommendation is DO NOT PURCHASE an EV, lease it! GM has had great leasing deals on the Volt, as they expect the residual resale value to be high. As more and more of these vehicles are produced, economies of scale will kick in, lowering price. We’ll also see leaps forward in battery technology or possibly other technologies (hydrogen fuel cells?). So, GM may be wrong about the Volt’s residuals, making the lease an even better deal. I also realize plug in electric vehicles are relatively new technology, so I want a warranty for the entire time I own my EV. Now, I am the kind of guy who usually keeps a car 8+ years, squeezing all the goody out of them. The only reason I got rid of my 14 year old Lexus was it was totaled. I also usually buy rather than lease. This time around, leasing seems to be the better approach for the reasons just mentioned. Keep your options open!

Two years in a row, the Chevy Volt has the highest customer satisfaction rating. In 2011, the Volt was Motor Trend’s Car of the year. It was also a top 10 for Car and Driver. For 2013, Motor Trend selected the Tesla Model S. I am hopeful that we are reaching a tipping point. People are starting to take plug-in electric vehicles seriously. I actually am disappointed that gasoline prices have recently dropped to around $3.00 for a gallon of regular. Why? Am I just a smug electric driver who wants everyone else to be miserable? Of course not! (well, maybe a tiny, tiny bit…) Actually, the reason I want gasoline prices to remain high, is for more people to consider and test drive an EV. That’s what got me. The experience was so much better than I thought possible. When gas prices drop, people get amnesia and start looking at Hummers, Suburbans and Expeditions again. It’s almost like being addicted to a drug and telling your dealer you’re thinking of going straight. The dealer drops the price and you’re tempted back into their grasp. Hey everyone, last Summer wasn’t the last time gas prices will be high! Wrap your head around that and go test drive an electric vehicle today. Do your research. Find out which EV type is best suited to your local climate and your personal driving patterns. Find out what you pay per kilowatt hour of electricity (it’s on your utility bill). Compare real world estimates of range and cost of a charge and do the math!

But most importantly, go test drive an electric vehicle. Every single one I have test driven so far was fabulous. Really.

Now, I don’t feel so strange about blogging about my musings on electric vehicles in general and my Volt in particular. But that’s just me.

About the author

An accidental EVangelist: On my way to work at Apple one morning, my car was rear-ended (and totaled) by an SUV, driven by a guy playing with his smartphone.
This led me to get my first plug-in vehicle.
I started blogging about my experiences immediately.
A year later, in 2013, I was hired by the dealership as their "EVangelist."
I became a board member with the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance ( and perform public speaking in the DFW area regarding electric vehicles and environmental issues.
I also teach others how to sell plug-in vehicles or manage EV sales.
I'm on a mission.


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