August 2016 Sales Numbers

In August 2016, the plug-in sales results were mostly down, compared to the previous month, with a couple exceptions, The Tesla Model S and the Ford Fusion Energi. Tesla’s increase was notable (albeit just an estimate) and the Ford’s increase kept it in the monthly sales range it’s been in for several months now.

Here are the August 2016 sales figures, compared to the previous month:

  • Chevy Volt: DOWN 14% (2,081 vs. 2,406)
  • Nissan Leaf: UNCHANGED (1,066 vs. 1,063)
  • Plug-in Toyota Prius: DOWN 50% (2 vs. 4)
  • Tesla Model S: UP 45% (3,125 vs. 2,150) **estimated
  • BMW i3: DOWN 32% (1,013 vs. 1,479)
  • BMW i8: DOWN 13% (145 vs. 166)
  • Ford Fusion Energi: UP 6% (1,422 vs. 1,341)
  • Ford C-Max Energi: DOWN 6% (707 vs. 755)

In August, the average price of gasoline was almost unchanged, at $2.17 per gallon, in the U.S. In the beginning of August, it hovered around $2.12 and at mid-month, rose to a peak around $2.22.
August 2016 EV Sales Numbers

August started well for me, with four sales in the first six days. However, the sales pace slowed considerable, with only four sales fro the remaining twenty-five says of August!
My Sales By Week

Vehicle Sales By ModelMy sales, by vehicle hit a milestone in late July, that carried over through August: My total Volt sales, over my time in car sales, tied my Silverado 1500 (pickup) sales. That’s a pretty big deal, since I work in Texas! It stayed that way through the entire month, because I didn’t sell a 1500 Silverado OR a Volt, during August.

Plug-in sales, compared to the same month a year ago, were mixed, again. The Leaf, Prius, BMW i8 and Ford C-Max Energi were all down, with the Prius only selling 2 units. Tesla year-over-year numbers once again reflect a sizable increase in sales. Joining Tesla in a sizable sales jump were the Chevy Volt and the Ford Fusion Energi, both around a 50% increase. The BMW i3 showed a more “modest” increase of 28%%.

  • Chevy Volt: UP 51% (2,081 vs. 1,380)
  • Nissan Leaf: DOWN 24% (1,066 vs. 1,394)
  • Plug-in Toyota Prius: DOWN 99% (2 vs. 344) *last two months down 98% and 99%
  • Tesla Model S: UP 140% (3,125 vs. 1,300)
  • BMW i3: UP 28% (1,013 vs. 792)
  • BMW i8: DOWN 31% (145 vs. 210)
  • Ford Fusion Energi: UP 50% (1,422 vs. 949)
  • Ford C-Max Energi: DOWN 2% (707 vs. 723)

About the author

An accidental EVangelist: On my way to work at Apple one morning, my car was rear-ended (and totaled) by an SUV, driven by a guy playing with his smartphone.
This led me to get my first plug-in vehicle.
I started blogging about my experiences immediately.
A year later, in 2013, I was hired by the dealership as their "EVangelist."
I became a board member with the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance ( and perform public speaking in the DFW area regarding electric vehicles and environmental issues.
I also teach others how to sell plug-in vehicles or manage EV sales.
I'm on a mission.


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