My first experience in the car business, however peripherally, was on National Plug-in Day, 2013. I made a presentation, about the Volt, for the sales staff at Classic Chevrolet, and was offered the opportunity to help the sales staff with Volt customers’ questions.
And the rest, as they say, is history…
On that very first day, a person, who only knew me through the Volt Owner’s Group on Facebook, and this blog, visited the dealership so we could get to know one another. Later that year, in December, once I was actually employed at Classic Chevrolet, he came back and leased his first Chevy Volt from me.
He was my very first Volt customer, and I’ll always be grateful it was Al. He has become a friend and part-time colleague, as we have worked shows together, talking with folks about Volts.
Today, he called to see if I was at work, and finding that I was, came in and bought a new 2017 Volt from me! Thanks, Al!
Very cool story… congrats to him on his beautiful new Volt!