I’d love to attend this…

Here is a chance for people to speak with our legislators and other policy makers about the importance of EVs in America’s future:SummitIf I were to attend, I would make sure they were aware that:

  • The way the federal tax incentive is handled, after the sale, only upper income individuals can qualify for financing. If it were a point-of-sale incentive, many more people could make the switch to zero emission vehicles.
  • The 200,000 vehicle cap to the tax credit will end up hurting two American companies, Tesla and GM. They will have a competitive disadvantage against newcomers who decided to have a wait-and-see attitude, before creating EVs of their own.
  • Failure to support electric vehicles will hurt manufacturing, as China would become the dominant vehicle manufacturer, in the vacuum provided by the U.S. not pushing forward in EV development.
  • The United States has been put in tight spots, in the past, due to our dependence on oil. It weakens us in diplomacy and protecting oil shipping corridors requires a heavy military investment by us.
  • Climate change is a real threat and time to prevent the worst outcomes is dwindling. Even if you don’t believe in climate change, how sure are you? Consider not acting to prevent climate change the same as playing Russian Roulette. Would you put a six gun to your head an pull the trigger for any amount of money? Failing to act NOW is essentially the same thing.
  • We need to divorce the tax used to repair infrastructure from the fuel/energy source, since revenues will drop precipitously, over the next 10 years. We should not replace tax EV owners with a flat annual charge, as this isn’t fair. Fair taxation would me we are each taxed according to the wear, tear and environmental damage our driving causes.

Perhaps a GoFundMe…

About the author

An accidental EVangelist: On my way to work at Apple one morning, my car was rear-ended (and totaled) by an SUV, driven by a guy playing with his smartphone.
This led me to get my first plug-in vehicle.
I started blogging about my experiences immediately.
A year later, in 2013, I was hired by the dealership as their "EVangelist."
I became a board member with the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance (www.TxETRA.org) and perform public speaking in the DFW area regarding electric vehicles and environmental issues.
I also teach others how to sell plug-in vehicles or manage EV sales.
I'm on a mission.


      1. Not many people have the necessary combination of people skills and intelligence. Listen to your wife. She knows you better than anyone.

  1. Texas Car Dealer Installs 1 Megawatt Solar Canopy


    “El Dorado Chevrolet/Mazda in McKinney, Texas will become one of the first net zero car dealers in America once its planned 1 megawatt, 3,456 solar panel canopy is completed. Net zero means that over the course of a year, the electricity generated by the system will more than offset all the electricity needed to operate El Dorada’s 28 acre new car, used car, and service facility. The project will be spearheaded by Sunfinity Renewable Energy and installed by Ratliff Group, which specializes in construction projects for automotive companies.”

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