I was a guest on the “In Wheel Time” radio show that was also broadcast as a Zoom presentation, so there’s video. These guys are a hoot to talk with, although they may seem to have a gasoline bias. They want to know more, even though they may have to be dragged kicking and screaming, into the new world of EVs.
But I assure you, I will win them over.
I’m on the show, starting at 3:45 and ending at 19:27.
If you prefer to just listen, the audio may be found here.
Don (the guy in the blue shirt) seems like he’s mildly opposed to EVs, but like most newbies, I think he’s just looking for a guide.
Konrad (the guy in the orange shirt) is always eager to chat about EVs.
Mike (the guy in the green shirt) is the one that stays in touch with me and invites me onto the show. He also seemed to be the technical one, scrambling to get the Zoom meeting, and its connection to me, working correctly, right up to air time. Mike may be the most EV-positive one of the bunch.
They had great questions and have invited me to come back, in the future. Stay tuned!