My kind of President

Before we get into this: I do not want to debate you over our choices in this election. You are not going to persuade me and I doubt I’m going to persuade you. This election is definitely part of the path that has become “My Electric Vehicle Journey.”

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, my politics are obvious. I am a liberal/progressive. My hero Presidents include Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter. My very first vote in a Presidential election was for Carter. I am proud of that vote to this day, especially because of how this man lived his life after the Presidency.

I do not drive my Volt as a political statement. I drive it because it’s good looking, fun, fast and economical. I’ve always been concerned about the environment and nowadays, you could say I’m not only concerned, I’m alarmed. Watching clowns display snowballs in the Senate to deny global climate change, enrages me. I’ve mentioned before how the attempts to stifle government scientists’ warnings seem like the story of how the planet Krypton’s leaders tried to stifle Kal-El, resulting in the destruction of that world. (yes, I know it’s fiction, but current events are playing out like that now)

I’m concerned about those barely clinging to the ladder of The American Dream. I feel for those who need medical insurance and are unable to afford it, those who work full-time jobs but cannot lift themselves and their families out of poverty. Our Declaration of Independence declares, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The right to live should not only be for only those who, facing a grave disease, can afford treatment, but any of us. Remember, we are all equal.

I’ve been concerned about the growing income inequality, in our country. When one has so much money that they own everything a person could possibly desire, with lots of money left over, what else can they buy? Oh yeah. Our government!

OligarchyI’m concerned that our democracy has become an oligarchy. Our elected representatives are more interested in getting reelected than solving the great problems we face. They grant themselves immunity from prosecution over insider trading, great medical benefits (while denying the same to literally millions of Americans and a lifetime pension unavailable to everyday Americans. Consequently, they spend their time gathering cash for the next election cycle, too cowardly to enact meaningful legislation, because they are afraid they’ll offend a donor. The Supreme Court decision in favor of Citizens United, in my opinion, is the worst example of this I know of. Our government is bought and paid for, and it sickens me.Fat Cats

I’m tired of politicians not answering questions truthfully, or even coherently. Our elected servants believe they are the masters. I wonder how many RPMs George Washington is spinning at these days…Blowhard

I’ve been getting more and more excited about a politician who seems genuine and has a lifetime record of caring for his fellow Americans. Yes, I’m talking about Bernie Sanders.

I don’t think we need a walk down memory lane with another Clinton or (heaven forbid) Bush. In fact, I have embraced the idea of voting ALL incumbents out of office, even if I like them. (yes, even Bernie) But that’s not going to happen.

I’ve never endorsed a candidate before, via My Electric Vehicle Journey. I mean, just who in the hell do I think I am?!?!? But our corporate media seems to be ignoring the growing groundswell of supporters at (certain) events and avoid substantive debate about the important issues of our day. I believe the media is bought and paid for as well. Broadcasters are as afraid to offend an advertiser as our government representatives are to offend large donors.

Then this morning, I saw this video on Facebook. It had a profound impact on me, not because of the song or lyrics (although pretty great in themselves) but due to the images of large crowds of people who, like me, are desperate to bring our government back under the control of the citizenry.

That’s why I will vote for Bernie Sanders, even if I have to write him in. (watch it to the end)

Bernie Sanders 2016

About the author

An accidental EVangelist: On my way to work at Apple one morning, my car was rear-ended (and totaled) by an SUV, driven by a guy playing with his smartphone.
This led me to get my first plug-in vehicle.
I started blogging about my experiences immediately.
A year later, in 2013, I was hired by the dealership as their "EVangelist."
I became a board member with the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance ( and perform public speaking in the DFW area regarding electric vehicles and environmental issues.
I also teach others how to sell plug-in vehicles or manage EV sales.
I'm on a mission.


      1. I prefer all electrics, IF they can provide 200+ miles of range, due to their zero emissions and almost nonexistent maintenance. That being said, there are no EVs out there that meet this spec and that I can afford (or want to afford). This is the year that all changes. The Bolt will go into production on October 1st. I believe it will be a game changer and a tipping point for EVs.

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