The numbers are out for #NDEW2016 attendance in North Texas (courtesy of North Texas Electric Auto Association). Both in attendee and vehicle counts, Texas ranked #2 in the United States, behind California. At the local gathering, at Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, Texas, attendees ranked 4th in the nation (404 attendees), and #1 outside California, while vehicles shown ranked 3rd (125 plug-in vehicles).
The striking aspect of the event, for me at least, was the difference in interest level. At #NDEW2015, I was only able to gather contact information on five people. At #NDEW2016, people were coming up to me, asking to be put on the list to be notified when the Chevy Bolt is imminent. Thirty are currently (no pun intended) on my notification list.
The Bolt appears to be making an impression on people. There was even one guy, wearing a Tesla Model 3 shirt asking about it. I told him that I believed that, depending where he is on the waiting list, he could lease a Bolt for three years and probably still be waiting for his Model 3, when his Bolt lease ended. In this way, he could get on board the 200+ mile EV bandwagon a few years early. He seemed to be seriously considering this…
If you showed up to a #NDEW2016 event, thank you for helping push the revolution forward!
Do you have any specs on the Hyundai Ioniq, the PHEV and the all electric models? Allegedly will be on sale in the U.S. soon, maybe this month.
Unfortunately, nothing beyond what you’l find with Google.
Do you think GM will actually run ads for Bolt?
I am very hopeful they will. This is an important vehicle, as it shows General Motors’ leadership in EVs. The Bolt will appear year(s?) before Tesla’s Model 3 will be available.