Not all the news from Texas is good… **UPDATED**

Guardian AngelYou know, I’ve always felt I had a guardian angel taking care of me. Of course, I’ve gone through hard times, as all of us have. But, I never got hit by a double-whammy of not having money and getting hit with a large, unexpected bill. It always seems to work like this:

  • I would have a financial windfall I was not expecting.
  • I would have an unexpected cost that took a large portion (but not all) of the windfall.

I am fine with this arrangement because it means I have the financial resources, when I need them, and if I have to pay the piper, better to do so when I have the money, right?

Today, I got a HUGE windfall: (albeit not financial…)

Of course, within a few hours, the piper came by to collect his due. How? In this instance, via email. First, a little background. As you may know, we’ve been planning for months to add solar panels to the new house we were building. Of course you remember my posts about it here, here, here, here and here  We told everyone, friends, the builder’s team, neighbors, and more. We were dealing with a company named One Block Off The Grid. They work with SolarCity to sign people up for solar arrays that are then installed by SolarCity’s designated contractors.

Today, I received this email from One Block Off The Grid:

“We have an important message related to the Texas rebate offered by Oncor.

Notice was give on Monday, 5/12/14, that Oncor’s solar rebate fund will close indefinitely at Friday, May 16th. The Texas rebate was the strongest in the nation and the most significant factor contributing to your historically low solar pricing. The last time Oncor’s rebate program closed, two years elapsed before reopening.

We will not generate new proposals in Texas after 12:00am PST on Friday, May 16th.

So, more than likely, the dream has been smashed. We did everything exactly the way we were told to go about it. We checked the HOA bylaws on solar panels and the procedure for submitting plans. We properly filed all the requested documentation. We asked the HOA to reconsider their decision, based on current events and the Texas law, which states we will be able to add panels once the neighborhood is completed. That, of course, depended on the rebates put in place to help the fledgling solar panel industry and early adopters, such as ourselves, to find a price where our needs and the revenue needs of the contractor are both met.

Finally, I also saw this breaking news today. Perhaps, this time, my guardian angel double-dipped. I only got one windfall but two whammies!

Slip sliding away...


Well this is truly odd. I received an email from Oncor’s Program Manager for Energy Efficiency. She stated to the 5 recipients of the email that Oncor still has lots of money in the program and that she has asked “this company” (One Block Off The Grid) to stop saying that the fund is closing. She said she has been contacted by many customers asking about this same thing. Maybe my Guardian Angel only did her usual thing after all…

About the author

An accidental EVangelist: On my way to work at Apple one morning, my car was rear-ended (and totaled) by an SUV, driven by a guy playing with his smartphone.
This led me to get my first plug-in vehicle.
I started blogging about my experiences immediately.
A year later, in 2013, I was hired by the dealership as their "EVangelist."
I became a board member with the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance ( and perform public speaking in the DFW area regarding electric vehicles and environmental issues.
I also teach others how to sell plug-in vehicles or manage EV sales.
I'm on a mission.

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