One of the best supporters of EVs asked a question…

Mike, Buzz and Patron...
Mike, Buzz and Patron…

Back in 2013, I travelled to the Chicago Auto Show, to check out the new plug-in vehicles and to prove Rush Limbaugh wrong, about his claim that a Volt would only go about 40 miles before having to stop and recharge overnight. I sent out a plea for someone, anyone, along my route from Texas to Chicago, to give me a place to sleep, to reduce the cost of my trip. It was then I met Dr. G. Michael Murphy of St. Louis. He has an optometry practice there. Mike and I share a love of EVs, Volts, fine tequila and very hot hot sauce (Mike’s homemade hot sauce will peel the roof off your mouth, but if you can handle it, it is WONDERFUL!). We hit it off and we have been friends, ever since.

Mike has come to the DFW area a couple times, for his practice, and he always lets me know in advance, so we can hang out together. People in the Volt world know Mike from the Facebook groups he started and/or is heavily involved in, such as: “Chevy Volt Owners,” “Chevy Volt 2.0,” “Chevy Volt Buy-Sell,” “Chevy Bolt Interest” and the private group “Chevy Bolt EV Owners.”

Mike, Buzz and something odd...
Mike, Buzz and something odd…Back in September 2013

This morning, I was surfing Facebook and saw Mike had mentioned me. He was responding to the statement, “And that is why Chevy dealers won’t want to sell them,” about an article showing there are almost zero maintenance costs with EVs. Here’s Mike’s take on that comment:

FWIW, Chevy dealers who do move plugins realize that electric vehicles are an important part of their future. They also know that they are only a small portion of their sales and an even smaller portion of their service department load EVEN in the highest volume electric sales dealerships. Any dealership who takes a different tack is doomed to fall along the wayside.
Buzz Smith, correct me if I’m wrong.

There are many reasons that dealerships are shying away from plug-in vehicle sales and I’ve written extensively on that subject.

My response was probably too long for a Facebook reply, as I can be quite verbose, so I’ve included it here:

“I used to agree. However, with the newly announced head of the EPA and the leaked plans of the new administration’s friend (and head of the “American Energy Alliance“) Thomas Pyle has, with regard to the EPA and the environment, I am deeply concerned. On theNatGeo series, “The Years of Living Dangerously,” a Nissan salesperson in Georgia, which had been the #1 EV selling dealership IN THE WORLD, explained what happened, when the state of Georgia ended its EV rebate. In the last month of rebate, they sold 274 Leafs. The next month, they sold 2.

Chelsea Sexton
Chelsea Sexton of “Who Killed the Electric Car” fame.

It’s a show we should ALL watch (and Chelsea Sexton is in it, too!).

I became so concerned about this, that I went to our dealership’s owner, Tom Durant, and asked him if we should move forward with the EV/Hybrid Center (or “Electric Ave.” as we call it internally). I told him about the Nissan story. Tom is investing lots of money in this effort, and I felt he should have the info, even if it goes against my personal wishes. To my relief, he said, “I think we’ll take a hit in sales, but all I want is for us to be the very best at the things we do, including EV sales.”
That being said, I am having to explain daily, to disappointed/angry Gen 1 Volt owners, why their Gen 2 Volt’s monthly lease payment is so much higher than the Gen 1’s. It happened again yesterday. If a person who, through their personal experience, KNOWS how great the Volt is, becomes reluctant to get a Volt, how can someone, without that experience, take the leap of faith? (FYI: my 2012 lease payment: $330/month, my 2017 lease payment: $500)
Lease payments are around $100/$200 per month higher than the EARLY Gen 1’s, due to the payment increase, brought about by lease residuals being negatively affected by the tax credit’s effect on payments. Trade values (and residuals) are being hurt by new Volts continuing to drop in price because GM is getting more efficient at making them and battery prices are dropping.
Dealerships are dropping out. I have received calls from Volt buyers, all over Texas, whose local dealers don’t sell or service Volt. Undaunted, they want to drive hundreds of miles to get a Volt (and to support) Classic Chevrolet and me. Client locationsI have sold Volts to clients residing in Midland (322 miles away), Houston (262 miles away), San Angelo (265 miles away), Haughton, Louisiana (227 miles away) and, believe it or not, am working on a Volt deal for a client in Corpus Christie (425 miles away!). In the DFW area, several dealerships transferred their Volt allocation because they’ve made the decision to not sell them, and the DFW area is the top EV market in the state! I’ve been told we received “close to 40” Volt order allocations. That’s why I blogged this. If all that matters to the customer is discounts/rebates/tax credit/monthly payment, other dealers will sell below cost, until their inventory is depleted, killing the dealerships and salespeople trying to support EVs. Even I have to eat, you know!
If the EPA rolls back MPG requirements and Congress kills the tax credit, EVs could suffer a quick death in our country. The Bolt EV and Tesla Model III, may have arrived a year or two too late. Only time will tell.
Of course, the rest of the world will continue to adopt EVs and the U.S., once again, will cede our leadership in manufacturing. Can you imagine if the U.S. had not developed the Internet?
The ultimate cost would be paid by our children & grandchildren, as U.S. manufacturers will go back to large vehicles, which are much more profitable, and climate change mitigation will slip beyond our grasp, with devastating effect.
Sorry to be the Debbie Downer here, but we have to fight, once again, to make our government do the right thing. The vast majority of our fellow citizens do not know what we know about plug-in vehicles. Many have a bias, just because they think the Obama administration was behind the tax credit, although it was actually the George W. Bush administration that created it.
THIS IS WAR. Do NOT sit on the sidelines.”

About the author

An accidental EVangelist: On my way to work at Apple one morning, my car was rear-ended (and totaled) by an SUV, driven by a guy playing with his smartphone.
This led me to get my first plug-in vehicle.
I started blogging about my experiences immediately.
A year later, in 2013, I was hired by the dealership as their "EVangelist."
I became a board member with the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance ( and perform public speaking in the DFW area regarding electric vehicles and environmental issues.
I also teach others how to sell plug-in vehicles or manage EV sales.
I'm on a mission.


  1. With you there on the frustrations about the coming administration. Keep supplying the EVs we need. I’m coming to you guys for your commitment when I buy my Bolt next year.

    I’m very glad that you and the dealership’s owner has the pride and the right attitude to not screw this up the way other dealers have.

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