A friend of mine that I met, during my 2013 trip to the Chicago Auto Show sent a message to me recently. He said he had seen someone looking for writers for articles, to be published on an automotive website. He thought I’d be a good fit. I responded the only types of vehicles I could write with, with any authority or expertise, would be EVs and hybrids.
Brad, my friend, forwarded my response to the publisher, which resulted in a phone call, from the publisher and a discussion of how publishing with his website works.
I have a demanding full-time job, as well as a blog and a podcast I am starting, so I was pretty timid about sticking my toe in the pond. Armen, the publisher, suggested sending a test article. Like most people, I am unsure of myself, but this seemed like a good approach, so I submitted the article. If you like it, please share from TorqueNews or leave a comment there!
It was published almost immediately on TorqueNews.
I saw this pop up on google a couple days ago and didn’t realize at the time that it was your article.
Very cool!
You should write more articles for them. We need more EV exposure outside of the typical EV circles.
Do they have articles geared towards car dealers? I think someone such as yourself should write an article on the most effective way to sell electric vehicles. Most dealers do not seem to know how to do it.
I am writing more for Torque News. To continue writing, I have to write 6 articles a week, which is pretty daunting, especially in the last week of the month, since I’m in car sales. We’ll see if I can keep it going…