“Subject matter expert”

The first company to hire me as an EV “Subject Matter Expert,” just informed me that they won the deal, on which I consulted.

My wife, Bonnie has been telling me, “You need to be recognized as an SME. Then, your ‘retirement career’ will snowball.”

Due to an NDA, I cannot go into details, but THIS is why I took early retirement: to have a greater impact on EV adoption. This project will definitely have that effect.

Yesterday, the second company to call me an SME met with me about an upcoming project. We’ve worked together before, so a paying engagement was pretty much a done deal. The proposed approach to the project seemed to run counter to everything I’ve written about how to perform this sort of program, so I listened with an ever-growing tension in my mind. Finally, I just passionately recapped what my philosophy/approach to this type of project is and the whys behind it. I’ll admit, I was nervous they’d just say, “Maybe you’re the wrong person to guide us on this, after all.”

Instead, they want to increase their level of engagement with me.

Bonnie reminded me, “That’s what these companies are paying you for. They don’t need a ‘yes man’ to confirm their ideas. They need someone to show them the way.”

I have a smart wife, who believes in me and my mission.

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