Form tips at bottom of article!!!
I just received word from a contact, at the North Central Texas Council of Governments, that the $2,500 rebate for the purchase or lease of a plug-in vehicle is back in operation! Even better: the $2,500 rebate is RETROACTIVE for vehicles purchased or leased on or after September 1, 2017.
Here is what I received from NCTCOG:
TERP LDPLIP Now Accepting Grant Applications:
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) is now accepting applications for the Light-Duty Motor Vehicle Purchase or Lease Incentive Program (LDPLIP). Rebates are available statewide for eligible light-duty motor vehicles purchased or leased in Texas on or after September 1st, 2017.
Up to $5,000 for eligible compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquified petroleum gas (LPG or propane) vehicles.
Up to $2,500 for eligible electric drive (plug-in or plug-in hybrid) or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
Rebate applications will be accepted and considered on a first-come, first-served basis during the rebate period. LDPLIP applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on May 31, 2019. The TERP LDPLIP Notice of Rebates, application forms, and Eligible Vehicle List are now available on our web site:
Thank you for your continued interest in the TERP program. Please feel free to contact us toll-free at 800-919-TERP (8377) or by email at with any questions.
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
This can be found on a plate, inside the driver’s door.

Dealer Information (has to be signed by dealership representative):

Classic should contact all Bolt and Volt buyers since 9/1/17. What a wonderful way to gain some good will.
Odd that you should say that. The day the program went live, I spent three hours calling all my Volt & Bolt EV customers from 9/1/17 on. My clients were so amazed that a salesperson would do that, even though there is no profit motive. It has resulted in three new Bolt EV deals from clients who already had a Volt or Bolt EV and want another one while the rebate is available. I also called those who have test driven a Bolt EV or Volt but were waiting for better pricing and that has resulted in two more potential deals.
The next step is to contact all other salespeople’s clients to let them know about it as well. They’ll never forget Classic Chevrolet!
Three new sales for being a great guy. That’s fantastic.
BTW, what are Buzz’s total EV sales versus all other salespeople’s total EV sales?
Over the last year, I have sold 26 Volts and 51 Bolt EVs, for a total of 77 plug-in vehicles. In my overall vehicle sales, I average 99 vehicles per year and sold 113, over the last 12 months. That means my Plug-in sales amount to 68% of all my vehicle sales, over that time period. I know this puts me way beyond any other salesperson at Classic Chevrolet. What I do not know is how that ranks against individual salespeople at other Chevy dealers. I’m sure many salespeople in California sell many more than I do, but I would like to know how I rank, in Texas. A couple weeks ago, I was interviewed by Chevrolet Magazine, in an article about how EV sales are taking off, in places you would not expect (like Texas). I guess my sales are enough that I seem to stand out, in my area of the U.S.
I would bet a dollar to a dime that you are the #1 EV Chevy salesman in all of Texas. For one, what other Texas dealership has devoted more resources to EV sales than Classic? I have never heard of one. Two, I suspect you and Classic were in the EV market way before any other Chevy dealer.
I hear rumors of a couple places down by Austin, but I’ve had people drive up from Austin to buy from me…
Buzz thanks so much, what a case of serendipity and I am so glad I called you to check on seats cooling
I am a customer of Tim who retired, but boy am I glad I talked to you today – I will do the needful right away to apply for the rebate!
This is true surprise and delighting the customers..
Buzz, I wanted to let you I got my grant last week
Thank you so much !
Mani J