Thanksgiving 2013. Why I’m thankful for my EV…or P-IEREV ;-)

I wrote this for The Electric Generation website. It is published there as well.


I’m thankful for my EV and its many blessings, as I am sure many EV owners are as well, this Thanksgiving.

I enjoy the money saved by driving on electricity. The savings are over half of my lease payment!

I’m thankful for the low maintenance costs. Quarterly oil changes and biennial brake jobs are a thing of the past!

I love the silence of driving electrically. On blacktop, it sounds like a breeze.

I’m thankful for the instant torque and that no one cuts me off any more, when I’m pulling away from a stoplight.

I’m thankful of the camaraderie among EV drivers, the friendly waves, thumbs up, smiles, honks. It’s like living in a small town where everyone knows everyone.

I’m so pleased with the advanced integration with my smartphone and the app that lets me do so much with my EV.

I’m thankful that the fluctuations of gas prices no longer have an affect on me or my family’s budget.

I’m so pleased that I can be an example of better environmental stewardship for my daughters and grandkids. It’s one thing to talk the talk, but I walk the walk, uh, er… drive the drive?

I’m thankful for the forward-thinking companies that are installing vehicle chargers for their employees and customers. I try to patronize those businesses when I can.

I’m so happy that people stop me, in parking lots and gas stations, (on my rare visits) to ask about my experiences with my EV. It helps me spread the word.

I’m grateful that I rarely ever have to go to a gas station, since I “fill ‘er up” at home.

I’m thankful for the safety of my EV, which surpasses most new cars today.
I’m grateful that all the advantages of my EV were so apparent that my wife got one too.

I’m thankful that people love their EVs so much they join Facebook groups to share joys, car photos and ask questions. I have friends around the country I would not have otherwise met. I’ve even visited some in their cities!

I’m grateful that owning an EV makes me conscious of other ways I can reduce my impact on the beautiful planet we share. Next up: solar panels!

I am stunned that my purchase of an EV changed my career. I now work for the dealer who sold us our Volts! My career is now something I’m passionate about and I look forward to it every day.

I’m thankful that my EV lets me be an example to others who want to drive more ecologically, but weren’t sure if the hype was for real or not.

But mostly, I’m thankful that, when enough people join us in this revolution, our soldiers won’t have to be away from their families at Thanksgiving, to protect our oil supply.

To all my subscribers, thank you so much for reading My Electric Vehicle Journey. I am honored to be able to share my experiences with you and hope that those of you who haven’t made the switch to an EV feel more comfortable about doing so. This is a mission for me as well as my new vocation. If we each make the switch (no pun intended), the world will be a little bit better off. I know that when you do, you’ll pass your experiences on to your friends and even more will make the move.

Change is coming. We’re driving it.

For those of you in the U.S.: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. The weather looks bad in many areas of the country, so please be very careful if you’re driving to loved ones.

Better late than never.

About the author

An accidental EVangelist: On my way to work at Apple one morning, my car was rear-ended (and totaled) by an SUV, driven by a guy playing with his smartphone.
This led me to get my first plug-in vehicle.
I started blogging about my experiences immediately.
A year later, in 2013, I was hired by the dealership as their "EVangelist."
I became a board member with the Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance ( and perform public speaking in the DFW area regarding electric vehicles and environmental issues.
I also teach others how to sell plug-in vehicles or manage EV sales.
I'm on a mission.

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