Once again, Texas has started up the LDPLIP program of rebates for buying or leasing a new plug-in vehicle. For purchases or leases of three years or longer, the rebate is $2,500. Shorter term leases receive smaller rebate amounts.
As before, there is a requirement that the vehicle be leased or sold by a “licensed new vehicle dealer or leasing company in Texas.” This means that vehicles not sold through a dealership (like Teslas) are not eligible for the rebate program.
The program is scheduled to apply to vehicles purchased or leased on or after September 1, 2019 through September 1, 2020. If there are still funds available, after September 1, 2020, the TCEQ may decide to keep issuing rebates until the fund is depleted or they may not. If the funds are all issued before September 1, 2020, TCEQ may keep accepting applications, in case more funds are made available by the legislature.